Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Back 2 School....The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

We started back to school yesterday.  I had dreaded it.  Not the actual schooling, just the loss of down time and  having no schedule to keep.  I have mourned it, that's for sure! I did start the day yesterday feeling refreshed, with a real sense of purpose and managed to keep my energizer self going all day...loads and loads of laundry, paying bills, clearing out 2009 files of bills, school with Jessie, made the kind of phone calls I HATE and always put off (making appointments and checking on medical bills and homeowners insurance) an easy but cooked (not sandwiches, etc. I mean!) supper of spaghetti, bread and salad.  We managed to go to bed with the house tidy, dishes clean, ready for the next day.  I woke up Tuesday thinking, "Are you kidding me? I've got to do all that again?!"  So......today was good but no energizer bunny. 

Today when we were studying her spelling words, Jessie was so stinkin cute.  I wish I had a video of it, I'm just not that high tech to get it on here.  I know, however, in retelling it, it can never be as cute.  There were a couple of words she had learned but forgotten (from and name).  I would ask her how to spell the word and she would react a little bit frustrated.  I would cover the written word with my hand, then allow her to sneak a peek.  She would quickly try to remember it. Then I would cover it and she would spell it. High fives every time she got it right.  We were giggling and having such a good time with it.  She (and I) love it when we can make it into a game.  We reviewed the words is, my, Boo (our dog's name) from, love, name and introduced did and it. 

Jessie's dance class started back today and gymnastics starts back Thursday.  Officially back to normal routine.  I was so pleased as I watched to see how in the 3 months or so she has been doing this, how much better she is at walking on her toes.  As part of the dance they walk on their toes in a circle. When she first started she could barely stay on her toes at all and keep her balance, now she can stay up for the whole time! She still has a ways to go on learning to skip.  She doesn't enjoy dance as much as gymnastics but it is so good for her. She does enjoy getting to see all the girls each week.  It is a class just for kids with special needs.

Hope all are having a good New Year so far!

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